October Incentives

Homework Pass

You can use this to get a 100% on any assignment you choose.

6 Pencils

You can come up and pick any 6 pencils you would like to keep

Dilly Bar

I will buy you a dilly bar to have during class the next day.

Increase your grade

I will increase your grade in the gradebook by 2 points.

Subway Certificate

You can get a subway certificate to purchase a sub.

Taco John’s Certificate

You can get a TJ certificate to purchase some food.


You can pick an eraser to use and to keep.

Mr. Mueller’s Chair

You can sit in Mr. Mueller’s chair for the week during Math Class.


You can pick 5 pieces of candy from Mr. Mueller’s jar and you can bring in candy all week to have during his class.

Feet Up

You can put your feet on your desk during class all week.

Sit on your Desk

You can sit on your desk during class all week.

Sit anywhere in the room

You can switch seats with anyone/any day all week.


Bring in your iPOD and listen to it during class this week


Add 5 points to an daily work assignment you've done

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